
A Place At The Table

An Encinitas Community Story Project

Celebrating the daily contributions of our Affordable Residents




It would be nice for seniors to live peacefully in our last days!


I lived here in Encinitas in a set of apartments where I had to walk up a flight of stairs. It gave me serious hip problems. My landlord would not let me move to a unit that was better for my health and well being. And she said she was going to raise my rent $125 a month! I had to move to a new apartment complex, where the rent is still more than my budget can afford, but at least within reach, to solve my medical issues.

I would love to live in Encinitas, in a community of seniors with an affordable rent, based on my income, in order to have peace of mind and not be worried about my budget every month, and yes, here in Encinitas where I have established a life for myself over the years.

Can you tell us about a memorable day in your work as a nurse?

There was a young man in his mid fifties, he was involved with the movies or music in Hollywood. He and his wife had two kids. They were a close-knit family. And he had a very, very painful type of cancer. And he was a young man to have cancer. I came to the realization the younger you are the stronger your will to live is. One day they called me, the family called me, and asked, “Would you come? He's not doing well.” We all knew that his death was pending, in maybe a week. It was the weekend and he was medicated. Morphine, always under doctor's orders of course.

Putting up the altar at nondenominational chapel in the army at Ft Hamilton NY

Putting up the altar at nondenominational chapel in the army at Ft Hamilton NY


It is given by the size and the ability of the person to withstand it , since morphine can have very deadly side effects. I went and I never even called the agency. I knew his wife wanted me to be there. So I went. It turned out to be the night he passed away. It was so hard, so painful. At the end the medication was not helping. His wife kept saying to me, “Please, do something, do something!” He was in so much pain. So I got up on the bed next to him, holding his hand saying, “I'm with you. I will not leave you. I am right here. I'll do everything I can”.


“His wife kept saying to me, ‘Please, do something, do something! ‘He was in so much pain. So I got up on the bed next to him, holding his hand saying, ‘I'm with you. I will not leave you. I am right here. I'll do everything I can.’”

In retrospect, I have lived a full life!

I dedicated myself wholly to my family, my work, or whatever task I was assigned to do at the moment. And I feel gratified by the many testimonials of my many patients and students alike. I am truly blessed by all the special folks I met along the way. I developed a lot of patience and cared truly for the sick and the suffering I came to encounter. I was so grateful to have the possibility to give comfort, and in a small way relieve their pain and anxiety, so they could look forward to healing and hope for a brighter future. But it is in caring for the dying, that I developed a tremendous respect. I now humbly acknowledge the honor it was to be a witness to someone’s last moments, giving them comfort and care at their time of need, thus promoting a peaceful passing. For me that aspect of nursing was very special and I will always miss that very special time in my professional career!

Three years old, Cairo Egypt

Three years old, Cairo Egypt

“During my retirement, I am now committed to my volunteer work at the church I belong to. As I do, I have serious concerns about the shortage of affordable housing. How will the cost of rent increases affect myself and other seniors? Will we be able to afford to continue to live in the community we love, where we have friends, doctors and so many deep ties? It would be nice for seniors to live peacefully in our last days! That is why I place a great deal of faith in our elected officials to do the right thing for us and all the workers who serve our community.”