How We Got Here & Who We Are


June 2013 – The Voters of Encinitas approve Proposition A (52% to 48%) the growth control initiative, that mandates Encinitas win voters’ approval before up-zoning properties and increasing their allowable housing density.

2014-2016 – City of Encinitas public outreach process to prepare for a 2013-2021 Housing Element.  City Council adopts Housing Element to be placed on November 2016 ballot, known as “Measure T.”

November 2016 – Voters do not approve Measure T:  56% to 44%.

December 2016 – City Council approves the formation of the Housing Element Task Force to work with all groups to adopt a Housing Element.

January 2017 – June 2018:  City of Encinitas public outreach process, including over 20 public meetings to prepare for the 2013-2021 Housing Element.

January 2018 - Keys4Homes comes together to advocate for the building of affordable homes in Encinitas

April 2018 – In response to two lawsuits requiring the City of Encinitas to comply with state law by adopting a Housing Element, the Judge decides to allow a vote in November 2018, for voters to approve the Housing Element, as required per Proposition A.

August 2018 - City Council adopts the 2018 Housing Element Plan to be placed on November 2018 ballot, known as “Measure U

November 2018 – Voters do not approve Measure U:  53% to 47%.

December 2018 – Judge orders the City to adopt a state compliant Housing Element within 120 days or by April 11, 2019.  The City submits the Housing Element outlined in Measure U to the State for review.

March 2019 – The City adopted the Housing Element Plan, as required by the court order.

October 2019 – City receives notification from state that the adopted Housing Element Plan complies with state law.

2021 - City adopts a compliant housing element plan covering the period 2021 - 2029.

2021 - Judge rules that Proposition A will remain Encinitas law.

2024 City Council establishes a goal to build a 100% Affordable Community on L7 and begins the process to move forward.

Who We Are

We are local residents who advocate for affordable homes being built in Encinitas.

Keys4Homes came together in early 2018, to provide a voice of hope for Encinitas seniors, workers and families who are being priced out of our very expensive real estate market. Our initial experience involved advocating for a model affordable community to be built on city owned property known as “L7”. While this has yet to occur, Keys4Homes is committed to quality affordable homes being built in Encinitas by having a seat at the table with our elected officials, community members and leading stakeholders: we provide a public face and voice to our seniors and workforce community members. It’s in our common interest to build affordable homes, so we can ensure an inclusive and sustainable Encinitas for our seniors, hardworking community members and future generations. Come join us.

Bob Kent
Founding Member, Encinitas Resident.

Lois Sunrich
Founding Member, Encinitas Resident, Affordable Resident.